
St. Peter's
Episcopal Church
St. Peter's Annual
Crab Cake Supper
Join us for St. Peter's famous Crab Cake Supper, 3-6 pm Saturday, March 22, 2025.
Our menu will include Homemade Crab Cakes (2), Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole, Peas, Cole Slaw, Roll and Butter, and dessert. Dine-in includes beverage. You won't go away Hungry!
Dine-In or Carry-Out, March 16, 3-6 p.m.
Extra crab cakes will be available for purchase at the take-out window for $5 each.
Donation: Adult $25, (two crabcakes)
Children under 12, $12, (one crabcake)
Preschool free. (no crabcake, hot dog and/or free sides)
Tickets can be obtained in person from Wayne Stetser or online,
they may also be reserved by sending an email to tics@stpetersclarksboro.org. or calling 856-423-4116.
Proceeds benefit St. Peter's Community Food Pantry, St. Peter's General Fund, and outreach projects including Episcopal Community Services.
Meal is not gluten or allergen free.
Questions? email tics@stpetersclarksboro.org