
St. Peter's
Episcopal Church
St. Peter's Guild
The Guild was formed in 2013 with an eye toward renewing and strengthening Parish Life at St. Peter's. We are focused on four areas, Fundraising, Outreach, Project Teams, and Fun Stuff. We generally meet after Coffee Hour on the first Sunday of the month to plan events, all are welcome to join in the fun.
A few upcoming Guild events:
We are in the beginning stages of planning an online basket auction. Stay tuned for more info.
We hope to resume our dinners with the Pork and Sauerkraut Supper in November.

Many thanks to all who participated in our most recent Outreach project. Our Christmas Giving trees raised over $450 to help the local elderly and needy with heating costs. Over $600 for Episcopal Relief and Development Gifts for Life program, and a carload of food items for the Blessing Store Food pantry hosted at EUM.